Are we all perhaps linked by invisible bonds? Do the actions of one affect others, even if those others are far away? Our lives and the universe itself may be all part of a single mechanism in which all creatures and events are 'entangled' with one another.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I'll Miss You, My Friend (click here)

For those of you who read his blog probably already know, Ryan has decided to end his blog . I guess all the hate and anger directed towards him of late is what made him come to this decision.

I understand and support his decision because he shouldn't have to put up with such intolerable abuse. I only know Ryan through his writing but he has influenced me in my own life. His willingness to share his life and feelings inspired me to start my blog as well as attempt to make some changes in my life.

I take the idea of friendship very seriously and don't bestow the title of "friend" to very many, but I am pleased to call Ryan my friend.

May The Force Be With You, Ryan....

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