Are we all perhaps linked by invisible bonds? Do the actions of one affect others, even if those others are far away? Our lives and the universe itself may be all part of a single mechanism in which all creatures and events are 'entangled' with one another.

Monday, September 07, 2009


The names change, the party in power changes, the terms used to describe their actions change, but, in truth, nothing really changes. It's all just a cleverly disguised game to give the illusion of change, to convince people that things are different now. Now that a new President, a new Congress, and a new administration are running things. But look beneath the surface, peek behind the veil, and you'll see the same people, doing the same things, fighting the same wars, involved in the same corruptions, telling the same lies, over and over again.

When will we see real change?

When people wake up, turn off the TV set, put down the videogame controller, set aside the celebrity gossip magazine, and open their eyes to the truth. As Thomas Jefferson said, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance". And it's not about liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican, or any of the other false divisions that are used to keep people arguing amongst themselves while the so-called "leaders" carry on, giving themselves more power, amassing more wealth, and ignoring the laws they expect everyone else to obey.

We need to obey the Supreme law of the land--the Constitution of the United States, which was designed to limit the power of the government, and restrict those holding elected office from taking power from "the people". The people being the citizens, who hold the true power in this country, even though they may not realize it. Governments fear most of all an informed, active citizenry, who will stand up and question the authority that those elected officials claim they hold. Read the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the many other writings of the Founding Fathers of this country, and you will soon realize that the massive, intrusive government we now have is not at all the type of government that was intended for the United States of America.

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