Or want to share large files with a friend?
Just need a place to backup some files?

I discovered this great site earlier today that gives you 25 Gigabytes of FREE storage! That's a quarter of the size of my hard drive. It's called MediaMax (it used to be known as Streamload).
I decided to check it out and it works really well. You can upload files there for storage (as backup) or use it to share files with others. If you want to send a file to someone, most email attachments are very limited in size, but you can store larger files at MediaMax for others to download. Videos, photos, music, any kind of file can be stored there. I uploaded some picture files as a test. Files can be organized into various categories/folders for easier access.
All you need to do is an email address and password to register. The email is used to confirm your account. You can upload files to share without setting up an account, but it only takes a minute to set up so I went ahead and got one. I think it would come in handy as a way to backup important files because you can access your account from any computer. This service has been mentioned in PC World, PC Magazine, C|net and others so it seems like a reputable site to me.
Now it may sound like I'm promoting this site (well I guess kinda am) but it's not because I stand to gain anything financially from doing so. I just am always a little surprised (and pleased !) when I come across someone giving away a free service or computer program. It amazes me especially when a person creates a program, whether it be a game or other program and then offers it up as freeware for others to use. I'm not a programmer but I know enough about computer programming to realize it is not that easy to write a program that works well.
Anyway you should check out MediaMax for yourself to see if it may be something you could use. They do have paid accounts as well if you require more storage space, but I think 25 gigs for free is a pretty good deal!
And my mother always told me never to turn down anything that was free.
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