Are we all perhaps linked by invisible bonds? Do the actions of one affect others, even if those others are far away? Our lives and the universe itself may be all part of a single mechanism in which all creatures and events are 'entangled' with one another.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Family of woman killed in botched drug raid to receive $4.9 million - CNN

Do police even bother to look at what they're firing at, or do they just blast away, in the hopes of hitting something/someone? I remember reading about this outrageous case years ago when it happened. After reading even more details in this story, it is even more disgusting! These police not only killed a poor, innocent woman, who was scared and trying to defend herself, but they lied, planted false evidence, covered it up, all after obtaining a "no-knock" search warrant (which itself was based on lies). Yet the one gets only 10 years in prison, and the others even less. They should all get 25-to-life, at a minimum.
Hopefully, they'll get a taste of some "prison justice", while they're locked up, although I suspect they will be keep separate from the other inmates, to "protect" them.

Family of woman killed in botched drug raid to receive $4.9 million - CNN

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